DR - Double Racks
Vertical function maximizing strength.
Customized drafts.
Big savings in time & cost for machining and adjustments.
Smaller and less expensive injection machine required.

KR - Cooled Racks
Double Rack system with internal housing to be able to incorporate a cooling circuit.
Reduces considerably the size of the insert.
125mm. of stroke.

Cooling Components
Cooling Components for the Double Rack and Cooled Double Rack lifter.

RF - Adjustable Fixing
Placed in the ejector plate, this unit allows adjustments to the DR/KR rod height approximately ±2mm, before its fixing.
Enables fine tuning of the DR/KR head with the ejection mounted.
Compact unit helps to make the installation of any vertical mechanisms easier.

PW - Sprung Cores
Minimum space required for installation, only needs the space of an ejector. No milling, grinding or hardening other than the machining of detail needed.
Machining for installation is easier due to always being at 90° to parting line.
No need for complex mechanical systems.

AP - Core Extension
Standard extension. Hardened and ground to size.
Keyed pocket included.
Enables a standard length of the PW up to 315mm.

PF - Flexible Cores
Thanks to its parallel walls, this core allows undercuts to be released in compact areas (only 4mm. thickness).
Includes a simple system for adjustment.
A Balinit C® coating ensures smooth movement and reduced wear.
It ejects first then releases the undercut.

EE - Tulip Ejectors
Useful to release small undercuts, this ejector is pre-adjusted and height adjustable.
Easy to install, machining is 90° to parting line.
The Balinit C® coating offers smooth action.

ED - Double Ejectors
Useful to release small undercuts, this ejector is pre-adjusted and height adjustable.
Easy to install, machining is 90° to parting line.
The Balinit C® coating offers smooth action.

PS - Standard Lifter
Compact unit for the release of small undercuts. The unit is completely pre adjusted and easy to install.
The space required for installation is reduced due to the vertical movement perpendicular to the ejector plates.

DL - Dog Lifter
Completely vertical solution, no need for complex angled housings.
Customized moulding insert enables wider range of applications.
Due to the design of the lifter base, housings can be machined simply, without the need of EDM.
Short ejection stroke, big demoulding capacity.

DG - Dog Lifter
Compact and robust design, incorporating a 16mm shaft with just a 26mm width base and insert.
Customized moulding insert enables wider range of applications.
Due to the design of the lifter base, housings can be machined simply, without the need of EDM.

DF - Fixed Lifter Base
Keyed pocket for the lifter shaft.
Minimum space required in the ejector plates.

BD - Horizontal Base
Cam slide for internal lifters.
Different hardness and materials between base and limiter guarantees smooth movements.
Minimum space required for installation

CI - Lifter Guide Bushing
This unit is a guide bush for angled undercut blocks, which only requires a straight drilled hole for fitting.
It does not require oil grooves due to the graphite-bronze insert.

SD - Lifter Base
Used for internal undercut movements which require different angles of ejection.
Its bronze guide bushing with graphite inserts, simplifies its movement.